Jquery datatable adjust columns on resize
Jquery datatable adjust columns on resize

jquery datatable adjust columns on resize

You can change the value for a particular column or for all the table in general.

jquery datatable adjust columns on resize

$('#example').dataTable( ) Mentions Emphram Stavanger Steve Chambers Allan Jardine Stephen jps Rui Martins Chintan Panchal Community user2314493 mezzie Emmanuel Robert Ssebaggala Keith. jQuery DataTables already has official plug-in for column reordering ColReorder. By default, datatable columns are 100px wide and their width cannot be changed via the UI. What you can do to stop this behaviour in DataTables is set the autoWidth parameter to false. The reason it does this is to stop the table and the columns (the column widths are also set) jumping around in width when you change pagination. This example shows the first column being set to width: 20 (note that this is not pixel perfect in a table, the browser will make some adjustments), a width. however, It is working fine cell width is getting updated and scrollX is also getting enable. On Column resizing in stop event I simply get the column cell Index and header width of that column and set the width in my respective column '. Step 3: Make the column headings of the ScrollHead table reizable () Add the following code to the InitComplete callback of your DataTable: This is how I implemented it on a recent project and it works surprisingly well.

jquery datatable adjust columns on resize jquery datatable adjust columns on resize

However this plug-in was not compatible with the latest version of jQuery DataTables. To dynamically adjust the column width or row height to the size of their content, you can use the corresponding Datatable API. I have received dummy data from the API which I overrode with my dataSet. Step 2: Add some CSS to change the table layout to fixed and the cell overflow to ellipse. $('#ASBresultsModal').on(' is happening is that DataTables is setting the CSS width of the table when it is initialised to a calculated value - that value is in pixels, hence why it won't resize with your dragging. Javascript answers related to resize columns of jquery datatable datatables column freeze columndefs in datatable not working while setting width jquery datatable column width datatables modify rows datatables ajax. Past version of jQuery DataTables had column reordering plug-in ColReorderWithResize that also provided the ability to resize columns by clicking and dragging the point between two columns.

Jquery datatable adjust columns on resize